So it has been a year!

And our users have downloaded more than 12500 themes! That means more than 34 themes a day! We can proudly say that during the whole year we have been updating the Maker to new versions of Prestashop, adding new functions and fixing what wasn't working right.

Still so many plans ahead - retina graphics, various color sets of icons, more options how to display the products.

And what is the best thing about it? That whenever you decide to use these new functionalities - you just re-download your theme!

This time we have focused on improving behaviour rather then adding new funcionalities:
- fixed – proper displaying of radio buttons in a product detail
- fixed – product comments are working again (fixed bug from the default theme)
- fixed – wishlist – added an icon, improved CSS
- fixed – word-wrap in subcategories list
- fixed – improved behavior if a product has no description text
- fixed – problem only in the Maker – the left column was no longer visible, if previewed – 1column layout in “category/detail view” and then switched to 2/3column layout
- fixed – problem only in the Maker – the background image in a header of themes was not showed in a preview image


Andrej Staš

Andrej is a Prestashop enthusiast. He started by developing his own themes and then formed the idea of creating Theme Maker. He enjoys finding ways to make his life simpler, and that is the philosophy he incorporates into all his projects. Andrej is also interested in WordPress, Amazon FBA, drop shipping, studying languages, and reading books.

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