Install a new theme from PrestaBuilder, or update your current theme (and PrestaBuilder modules) without overriding your current hooks and settings.
This module will help you to maintain your theme and PrestaBuilder modules.
- Not only you can update your theme, you can also set what you want to update exactly.
- Update only the theme design
- Update only the modules
- Update only new positions of modules
- Override the logo, the images slider, the banner
- You can combine any of these options together which gives you option to quickly update your theme without losing other settings
- Adds a new PrestaBuilder theme
- Updates PrestaBuilder themes
- Updates PrestaBuilder modules when uploading a theme ZIP
- Automatically PrestaBuilder your logo, banner, and slider images
- Sets social links if you haven't done so already
It does not have a significant advantage for your visitors, but it will save you time during installation and help you to maintain your theme and modules.
- Prestashop 1.7.x
- This module works only with themes and modules created by PrestaBuilder
v.2.1.0 - 22/9/2017
- improved - transition from Presta Theme Maker to PrestaBuilder
- improved - a new logo
v.2.0.3 - 8/8/2017
- improved - improved update of already installed themes
v.2.0.2 - 31/7/2017
- added - an option to replace also the image in Payment Icons module
v.2.0.0 - 13/4/2017
- renamed to "Control Center"
- added new functionality to install your PTM themes, update PTM themes, and update PTM modules with additional settings
v.1.0.0 - 17/2/2017
- The first version, released as "Theme Starter"