
E-shops in Europe must inform their customers about using cookies. This module displays a small information block which the user confirms.
Front end demo

Back-end screenshots

Cookie Law

Cookie Law

Front-end screenshot

Cookie Law


- Set the main message of the box
- Set the text in the button
- Set the opacity of the box
- Set the shadow of the blog
- Option to display the notice on the top or bottom of the page
- Choose all colors manually
- Multi-language support

Main advantage for your customers

A polite notification is presented to your visitors informing them that your e-shop uses cookies. They can make the decision if they want to continue using your website.


- Prestashop 1.7.x
- This module with also work with themes not created by Presta Theme Maker


v.1.4.0 - 9/10/2017
- improved - a new logo

v.1.3.0 - 31/7/2017
- fixed - better displaying on big screens

v.1.2.0 - 3/5/2017
- fixed - setting the color of the text was not working correctly (Thank you, Patrick and Hasan)

v.1.1.0 - 4/3/2017
- improved - security improvements

v.1.0.0 - 3/12/2016
- The first version

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