Here is the problem: you have installed a new theme and everything looked great. But then you checked it on your phone/tablet and noticed that the "Image slider" on the homepage is simply missing.

What's going on?

You have to allow displaying the slider on smaller screens from your back office.

Here's how you can do it:

  • Go to your back office
  • Open Modules and Services
  • Search for the "image slider" module
  • Click on the options for the module (as seen on the screenshot below)
  • Click on "Display on mobiles"
  • Click on "Display on tablets"
  • Clear the cache of your eshop

And that's it! From this moment, the slider will be visible for visitors using tablets and phones.


Andrej Staš

Andrej is a Prestashop enthusiast. He started by developing his own themes and then formed the idea of creating Theme Maker. He enjoys finding ways to make his life simpler, and that is the philosophy he incorporates into all his projects. Andrej is also interested in WordPress, Amazon FBA, drop shipping, studying languages, and reading books.

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