We assume you have just purchased and installed our Pretty Instagram Module and now you need to get it to work.

Here's a tutorial of how to do that.

1. Open the configuration of Pretty Instagram module

2. Go to https://www.instagram.com/developer/ and log in with your instagram account

3. Click on "Manage Clients" in the top menu

4. Then click on "Register a new client"

5. Fill out all fields. The name of the application is not important. Enter the URL of your eshop in the field "website URL".
Write down the same url also in "Valid redirect URIs".
Hit "Save".

6. Great, now the project in your Instagram account is created. Click on the "Manage" button to view the details of this project.

7. Copy "Client ID" and "Client Secret" into Pretty Instagram module and click on "Save".

8. You will be asked to authorize this app. Do that.

9. Now you will get a special URL address that you need to copy and go back to the settings of your Instagram application. Select "Security" tab and insert this URL into "Valid redirect URIs". Save this change.

10. Now you can click on the button "Create Access Token" that is now visible in the configuration of you module.

11. Done! Now your Pretty Instagram module is active and loads images from Instagram.