Your eshop is (almost) running, but you don't like the way your emails look, especially the bottom part "My eshop powered by Prestashop". Maybe you would like to display there your own message for your customers or remove it for good.
This is how the bottom of Prestashop emails looks like right after the installation.
To remove or rewrite the bottom part, go to this folder:
"En" stands for the language which you want to edit. Now you will have to through all the files you see in this folder and update the bottom as you can see.
If you remove this code, the emails will still work properly.
Files with the .html extension need to be opened in some text editor, not in a browser. You can use Textedit on Mac, or Notepad if you use Windows.
Files with the .txt extension will be automatically opened in one of those editors. Also remove the code as seen on the picture below.
Unfortunately there are 71 files, but it's not that difficult to go through all the files in a few minutes, because you just repeat the same actions all the time.
If you are using English language on your eshop, I prepared these emails already for you (currently for Prestashop 1.6.14, but should work also with older and newer 1.6.x versions).
Thanks to Mourid you can download also the files in French language! :)
Of course, if you are using more languages at the same, you should go through each folder/files.
Hope that helps! :)
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Try out PrestaBuilder Theme EditorAndrej is a Prestashop enthusiast. He started by developing his own themes and then formed the idea of creating Theme Maker. He enjoys finding ways to make his life simpler, and that is the philosophy he incorporates into all his projects. Andrej is also interested in WordPress, Amazon FBA, drop shipping, studying languages, and reading books.
mourid bourmich · 9 years ago
thank you .. i will send you FR language in mail ..
Presta Theme Maker · 9 years ago
Perfect, thank you! :)
Gerardboutique · 8 years ago
Pour le réf de ma boutique prestashop j’utilise une application en ligne, c’est Ca nous aide pas mal pour faire un contenu orienté réf je teste depuis pas longtemps alors je sais pas vraiment ce que ça donne mais ça à l’air cohérent et mes contenus semblent plus orienté réf. Je vous ferai un retour si j’ai une réelle évolution (on peut suivre ses positions tous les jours).
Captain · 7 years ago
Thx for the file ;) You saved me a good 10min of my time :D
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