The first update of the year 2015 is ready! Prestashop skipped the version and so we have directly available the version - now also on the Theme Maker. As always, just a few days after the official release.

Need to upgrade your theme to the newest version? It's so easy! Just log in and redownload your theme for the newest version of Prestashop - all the colors and background images will be identical.

The next release will be fixed on the new featured I promised in the previous blogpost.

You can check all the current changed in the "version page"

Andrej Staš

Andrej is a Prestashop enthusiast. He started by developing his own themes and then formed the idea of creating Theme Maker. He enjoys finding ways to make his life simpler, and that is the philosophy he incorporates into all his projects. Andrej is also interested in WordPress, Amazon FBA, drop shipping, studying languages, and reading books.

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